Early bird discount ends THIS Friday, March 14th — register today!

The Family Business Symposium 2025

NxG Retreat Overview


Please note: Pre-registration is required; seating is limited.

Join your fellow NxG Members for this unique opportunity to come together, connect, learn and have fun before the rest of our community arrives for Symposium 2025!

If you arrive early, please join us for a casual dinner on Sunday, May 25. The NxG Retreat will begin on Monday, May 26 with a breakfast, then Symposium 2025 will kick off later that day.


FREE — Space is limited, register today!

Who Can Attend

This retreat is open to anyone in the next generation of their business family, including members of Family Enterprise Canada, as well as non-members.


Halifax Marriott Harbourfront
1919 Upper Water St (map it)
Halifax, NS, B3J 3J5

NxG Retreat Timeline

Sunday, May 25

7:00 PM ADT

NxG Dinner
NxG Members of Family Enterprise Canada are encouraged to arrive early and join the NxG dinner the night before Symposium begins.

Room: Acadia B & C

Monday, May 26

7:30 AM ADT

NxG Breakfast
Start your day with a nutritious breakfast among your fellow NxG Members.

Room: Nova Scotia Ballroom A, B, C & D

10:00 AM ADT

NxG: Redefining Wealth & Personal Accountability
This interactive workshop invites next gens to redefine wealth beyond financial metrics, embracing a more holistic framework based on the five forms of capital to explore personal accountability in nurturing these dimensions of wealth.

Room: Acadia B & C

11:30 AM ADT


Room: Acadia A

12:30 PM ADT

NxG: Shaping the Future of Family Philanthropy
More details coming soon.

Room: Acadia C

Your Journey Begins...
Your Journey Begins...
Blue Rope Divider image

Have Questions?

If you have questions about Symposium, or your registration, please email us at events@familyenterprise.ca.