
Advisor Excellence

The Family Enterprise of the Year Award for Advisor Excellence honours an FEA designate who has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in advising family businesses. By fostering generational continuity, embracing collaborative practices and showcasing a profound understanding of family enterprise dynamics, this advisor has set or elevated the standard for excellence in the field of family enterprise advising.

If you know a designated FEA who exemplifies these values, please nominate them — your nomination could make a difference and even win you a prize!


Advisor Excellence Award

The Family Enterprise of the Year Award for Advisor Excellence honours an FEA designate who has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in advising family businesses. By fostering generational continuity, embracing collaborative practices and showcasing a profound understanding of family enterprise dynamics, this advisor has set or elevated the standard for excellence in the field of family enterprise advising.

If you know a designated FEA who exemplifies these values, please nominate them — your nomination could make a difference and even win you a prize!

Winner's Prize - New this year!

A Membership You Can Be Proud Of

The winner for the FEYA in this category will receive a free year of membership in the Family Enterprise Canada community!

Bonus: If you nominate the winner of the FEYA in this category, you will also score a free year of membership in Family Enterprise Canada as a special thank you for participating.

Winner's Prize
New this year!

A Membership You Can Be Proud Of

The winner for the FEYA in this category will receive a free year of membership in the Family Enterprise Canada community!

Bonus: If you nominate the winner of the FEYA in this category, you will also score a free year of membership in Family Enterprise Canada as a special thank you for participating.

Advisor Excellence Award Criteria

1. Impact on Continuity

How has the advisor supported families through multi-generational transitions, and what measurable outcomes demonstrate their impact?

2. Client-Centric Approach

How does the advisor balance family and business priorities in their approach to ensure the family's well-being as well as the long-term sustainability of the family’s vision?

3. Collaboration

How has the advisor collaborated with other professionals to deliver holistic solutions for their family enterprise clients? What role did they play in those efforts?

4. Exemplification of Core Values and Ethics

How does this advisor uphold the values of the FEA designation—honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility—in their work with enterprising families?

5. The "X" Factor

What is the advisor's "secret recipe" for their success in terms of their advisory services? What sets them apart from other family enterprise advisors?

Advisor Excellence Award Criteria

1. Impact on Continuity

How has the advisor supported families through multi-generational transitions, and what measurable outcomes demonstrate their impact?

2. Client-Centric Approach

How does the advisor balance family and business priorities in their approach to ensure the family's well-being as well as the long-term sustainability of the family’s vision?

3. Collaboration

How has the advisor collaborated with other professionals to deliver holistic solutions for their family enterprise clients? What role did they play in those efforts?

4. Exemplification of Core Values and Ethics

How does this advisor uphold the values of the FEA designation—honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility—in their work with enterprising families?

5. The "X" Factor

What is the advisor's "secret recipe" for their success in terms of their advisory services? What sets them apart from other family enterprise advisors?

Award Categories






Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the awards, the nomination process or the grand prize, please reach out to us at and someone from the Family Enterprise Canada team will get back to you.

Award Categories






Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the awards, the nomination process or the grand prize, please reach out to us at and someone from the Family Enterprise Canada team will get back to you.